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Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology Training Program

Current Trainees

THERESA BOYER, MS, MSPHPhDtboyer3@jhmi.eduThe social and biological drivers of adverse pregnancy outcomes and their propagation across the life course.
EMEKA EJIMOGUPhDnejimog1@jh.eduDiabetes and Neurocognition
MAOMAO (ZIJING) GUO, MPHPhDzguo15@jhmi.eduThe role of dietary patterns in
glycemic control.
ELIZABETH LINTON, MPHPhDlintonea@jhu.eduCharacterizing frailty, physical function, and
geriatric syndromes among people living
with sickle cell disease.
SHENGYUAN LUOPostdoctoral Fellowshengyuan.luo@jhu.eduThe epidemiology of cardiorenal diseases.
NATALIE MALEK, MPHPhDndaya1@jh.eduImproving the ascertainment and measurement of cardiovascular lifestyle risk factors and other important exposures in epidemiologic studies. The study of novel biomarkers and diagnostics relevant to diabetes and its complications.
NOELLE PAVLOVIC, PhD, RNPostdoctoral Fellownpavlov3@jhmi.eduPatient‐reported general and
exertional fatigue symptoms in
cardiovascular disease, stage B heart failure, and prevalent heart failure.
JOSEPH SARTINIPhDjsartin1@jhu.eduExtracting clinical insights from CGM and
other wearable/implantable medical devices.
ANNA CLAIRE TUCKER, MPH, RDPhDatucke31@jh.eduDiet and diet‐related behaviors involved in the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic disease, and social determinants of health that influence dietary intake.
MIDORI WHITE, MDPostdoctoral Fellowmwhit132@jhu.eduReducing amputations resulting from peripheral arterial disease and its complications in underserved and minority populations
ANDREW WUPostdoctoral Fellowywu210@jhmi.eduEpidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and the role of surgery in improving public health.
HELI XUPostdoctoral Fellowhxu111@jhu.eduChronic kidney disease risk and progression in cardiovascular disease; dietary pattern/eating behavior in cardiovascular health.
KELLY ZHANGPhDkzhang94@jh.eduMulti-scale computational cardiac modeling; how regional heterogeneity of electrophysiological properties due to fibrosis and denervation can lead to arrhythmia.  

Recent Graduates

  • Dustin Le (2024)
  • Modupe Oduwole (2024)
  • Katie McDermott (2024)
  • Amelia Wallace (2024)
  • Zan Ahmad (2024)
  • Moira Differding (2023)
  • Francesca Marino (2023)
  • Alessandro Orlando (2023)
  • Laura Skow (2023)
  • Valerie Sullivan (2023)
  • Matt Blum (2022)
  • Scott Mu (2022)
  • Olive Tang (2022)
  • Curtis Tilves (2022)
  • Frances Wang (2022)
  • Michael Fang (2021)
  • Kathryn Foti (2021)
  • Carine Hamo (2021)
  • Anum Minhas (2021)
  • Mary Rooney (2021)
  • Melissa Schnure (2021)
  • Erin Spaulding (2021)
  • Emily Hu (2020)
  • Steven Menez (2020)
  • Molly Jung (2019)
  • Faisal Rahman, PhD (2019)
  • Alex Secora, PhD (2019)
  • Junichi Ishigami, PhD (2018)
  • Stephanie Loomis (2018)
  • Lena Mathews (2018)
  • Scott McClure, PhD (2018)
  • Jung-Im Shin, PhD (2018)
  • Bethany Warren, PhD (2018)
  • Michelle C. Johansen, MD, MHS (2017)
  • Alexandra Lee, MSPH (2017)
  • Maya McDoom (2017)
  • Andreea Rawlings, PhD, MS (2017)
  • Aditya Bhonsale (2016)
  • Katherine Mills (2016)
  • Katherine Moon (2016)
  • Poojitha Balakrishnan, MPH, PHD (2015)
  • Man Li (2015)
  • Seth Martin, MD, MHS (2015)
  • Christina Parrinello, MPH, PhD (2015)
  • Casey Rebholz (2015)
  • Jingwen Tan, ScM, PhD (2015)
  • Sunil Agarwal (2014)
  • Andrea Christman (2014)
  • Laura Cobb, MS, DrPH (2014)
  • Margaret Parker, MHS, PhD (2014)
  • Adrienne Tin, PhD (2014)
  • Julie Bower, MPH, PhD (2013)
  • Meredith Foster, MPH, ScD (2013)
  • Miranda Jones, MHS (2013)
  • Stephen Juraschek, MD, PhD (2013)
  • Kerunne Ketlogetswe, MD, ScM (2013)
  • Seamus Whelton, MPH, MD (2013)
  • Michelle Zikusoka, MD, MHS (2013)
  • Catherine Campbell, MD, MHS (2012)
  • Matthew Gribble (2012)
  • Morgana Mongraw-Chaffin (2012)
  • Ghanshyam Palamaner Subash Shantha (2012)
  • Salman Waheed, MPH, MD, MHS (2012)
  • Saul Blecker, MD, MHS (2011)
  • Mara McAdams Demarco, MS, PhD (2011)
  • Chiadi Ndumele, MD, MHS (2011)
  • Lisa Wyman, MPH, PhD (2011)
  • Marietta Ambrose, MD, MPH (2010)
  • Lori Bash, PhD, MPH (2009)
  • Nrupen Bhavsar (2009)
  • Jared Reis, PHD, MS (2009)
  • Juan Rivera, MD, MHS (2009)
  • Jonathan Rubin, MD, MHS (2009)
  • Robert Scharpf, PhD, MS (2009)
  • Kesha Baptiste-Roberts, PhD, MPH (2008)
  • Audrey Chu (2008)
  • Nisa Maruthur, MD, MHS (2008)
  • Andy Menke (2008)
  • Alejandro Castro (2007)
  • Edward Kim, MD, MPH, MHS (2007)
  • Erin Michos, MD, MHS (2007)
  • Nina Paynter, PhD, MHS (2007)
  • Stella Yi, PhD, MPH (2007)
  • Glenn Hirsch, MD, MHS (2006)
  • Adam Naj, PhD (2006)
  • Elizabeth Selvin, PhD, MPH (2006)
  • Katherine Stamatakis, PhD, MPH (2006)
  • Meredith Atkinson (2005)
  • Anitha Byreddy (2005)
  • Jane Marsh-Manzi (2005)
  • Roger Peng (2005)
  • Michael Chan (2004)
  • Megan Jehn (2004)
  • David Cohen (2003)
  • Shawn Miles (2003)
  • Samia Mora (2003)
  • Alafia Samuels (2003)
  • Stanley Watkins (2003)
  • Jean Wu (2003)
  • Christine Arcari (2002)
  • Brad Astor (2002)
  • Joanna Zeiger (2002)
  • Patty Chang (2001)
  • Jean-Paul Chretien (2001)
  • Sharon Saydah (2001)