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Department of Mental Health


Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Department of Mental Health.

The Department and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have a great deal to offer prospective students. We invite you to learn more and connect with current students.

The Department of Mental Health offers educational programs that lead to the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and the master of health science (MHS) degrees. We also offer postdoctoral training, two certificate programs and a special Summer Institute.

Degree Programs

The Department of Mental Health offers a doctoral level program, a master's program in health science and a combined bachelors/masters program.


Master of Health Science (MHS) in Mental Health

The MHS is a nine-month degree program that provides a foundation in the research methods and content-area knowledge essential to public mental health.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mental Health

The PhD program provides advanced training in the application of research methods to understand and enhance public mental health.


Bachelor's / MHS

The Bachelor's/MHS program gives Public Health Studies majors at Johns Hopkins University an opportunity to seamlessly extend their undergraduate studies to graduate-level coursework and research.


Non-Degree Programs

Postdoctoral Training

The Department of Mental Health offers opportunities for postdoctoral training, including three training programs funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and one funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which complement the research-based training of doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. The department also participates in an interdisciplinary program, funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). In addition, individual faculty may be able to support postdoctoral fellows through a research grant. See the Funded Training Programs.

Certificate Programs

Public Mental Health Research

Our certificate program provides graduate training in understanding the causes and consequences of mental disorders in populations. The goals of the program are to increase the epidemiologic expertise of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, as well as the number of epidemiologists, biostatisticians and health policy makers interested in psychiatric disorders.

Mental Health Policy, Economics, and Services

The certificate introduces current issues in mental health policy including economic evaluation of mental and substance disorders and their treatments; access to mental health care treatments and utilization patterns; and mental health care financing, insurance, and delivery system issues in the US. It is open to Johns Hopkins University graduate students interested in policy, advocacy, and research careers within the field of mental health and junior and mid-level public health professionals interested in expanding their knowledge base and expertise in mental health services and economics and related policy issues.

Accelerated Learning Institutes

Summer Institute in Mental Health Research

Summer Institute in Mental Health Research participants will understand the latest findings on the occurrences of mental health and substance use disorders in the population and their implications for public mental health; know the steps involved in the scientific, empirical evaluation of services and interventions targeted for mental health outcomes; and acquire the skills and knowledge needed in using the state of the art methodological tools for collecting and analyzing mental health data.

MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses 

As part of its growing online educational program, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health offers Massive Open Online Courses – also known as MOOCs -- in collaboration with Coursera.
Department of Mental Health faculty are teaching the following MOOC this term:

Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach

This course is about the framework of public health as applied to the specific psychiatric disorder of major depression.  View a video for more details about this course.

Department of Mental Health Faculty: William Eaton, PhD, Wietse A. Tol, PhD and Ramin Mojtabai, MD
Course Description: Illustrates the principles of public health applied to depressive disorder, including principles of epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services research and prevention.