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Apply to become a SOURCE Partnering Community-Based Organization

SOURCE has many services to offer our partnering community-based organizations (CBOs).

By becoming a partnering CBO, SOURCE will advertise opportunities and recruit volunteers for your organization, share information regarding your services with all student organizations, include your CBO in our annual SOURCE Community Involvement Fair (held in September) and much more. SOURCE offers capacity building opportunities for our partners as well.

Although we are unable to guarantee volunteers, students, faculty and staff from the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Nursing and Medicine use our resources to find community involvement opportunities that match their needs and interests.

Please note that SOURCE does NOT coordinate medical/clinical activities.

Application Process

Please note that we only accept partners in Baltimore City. We highly recommend that you carefully review Step 1 before moving forward with an application. We have 3 application deadlines per academic year: August 1, November 1 and March 1.

Step 1: Review Partnership Guidelines

Review both the "Partner Criteria" and "Mutual Expectations" to determine if your CBO would like to consider a partnership with SOURCE. These documents contain the basic criteria needed to qualify for partnership and the expectations associated with working in partnership with our center. After reading these documents, if you would like to move forward with the application process continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Complete Partnership Application

Complete a "SOURCE CBO Partnership Application" online. Partnership applications are reviewed three times per year, and must be submitted by these deadlines: August 1, November 1 and March 1. You will be notified that we have received your application materials.

Please note: Should SOURCE receive a high volume of applications during any one review period, SOURCE will need to prioritize those applicants that appear to be the most promising for a potential partnership (based on the interests and needs of our health professional schools). Other applicants will be informed of this circumstance and will be moved into the next review cycle for review. To date, this has not occurred. However, SOURCE reserves the right to alter the timeline of the application process due to staffing capacity and the need to maintain current programming.

Step 3: Initial Conversation

Following the application deadlines, your materials will be reviewed. An initial conversation (via video conference or telephone) will be scheduled with a member of SOURCE's Governing Board to discuss a potential partnership. Initial conversations are important to gather nuanced information to present to our Governing Board.

Step 4: Schedule a Site Visit

Following the initial conversation, SOURCE's Governing Board will vote to determine if your organization appears to be an appropriate candidate for a partnership with SOURCE. Organizations that are deemed to be promising at this point in time will be asked to schedule a site visit with members of our SOURCE team (including center staff, students, faculty and administrators).

Step 5: Governing Board Vote

Following a site visit to your CBO, the site visit team will share their review of your CBO with the SOURCE Governing Board (a committee of representatives including students, faculty, staff, deans and community members from SOURCE's Community Council). SOURCE's Governing Board will then vote to decide if your CBO should be added to SOURCE's network of partners. Your CBO will be notified of the board's decision.

Partnership Requirement for CBOs

As a part of our partnership, SOURCE requires CBOs to notify us when a Johns Hopkins student, faculty, staff member or student organization volunteers with your organization. We rely on reports from our partnering CBOs to track important statistics for our center. If you have any further questions, please contact SOURCE at or (410) 955-3880.

Interested in Our SOURCE Partnership Model?

Are you an organization or academic institution that is interested in our SOURCE partnership model? Please reach out to us at to inquire. Our partnership review process was carefully developed with our stakeholders, and we have copyrighted materials. We can review requests to use our materials, and provide instructions for receiving permission to use those materials.

© 2016 - Johns Hopkins University SOURCE