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Limiting Beliefs Coaching in Indonesia
The Self-Empowerment and Equity for Change Initiative (SEE Change)

Our Work


Our mission is to enable individuals, groups and organizations to empower 1-billion people with personal agency practices, thereby catalyzing human flourishing.

Personal Agency Training Approaches

‘Personal Agency’ is the capacity and willingness to take purposeful action and pursue goals.

‘Personal Agency Approaches’ are interventions that help individuals to understand how their thoughts, beliefs, values, and emotions impact their actions. These approaches have great potential to compliment existing interventions in the fields of health, financing, and other technical skill-building.

SEE Change training programs include general skills that move individuals from "knowledge to action":

  • SENSE - Gain awareness of how thoughts and feelings influence behaviors.
  • SHIFT - Reframe negative thought patterns and enter a growth mindset.
  • ACT - Set effective goals and take growth steps towards your positive visions for the future.

SEE Change Approach

Our approach is centered on three pillars:


Build the evidence base and understanding of personal agency as a central force in human flourishing and how to foster this in individuals living in resource-poor settings.


Scale what works for bringing personal agency approaches to individuals, groups, and organizations.


Test powerful solutions and lead innovations in research and practice to support thriving individuals and resilient communities

Example Projects

We have projects across a variety of sectors, here are several examples of the range of sectors we work in and partners we have. Dates reflect the SEE Change Initiative’s involvement in each program listed.

US Peace Corps (2021-2024)

SEE Change conducted an Empowered Entrepreneur trainer certification program for US Peace Corps Community Economic Development (CED) staff from nine countries* and supports them to train Peace Corps Volunteers and community organizations. Peace Corps’ CED programs have a specific focus on women and youth entrepreneurship and maintain longstanding relationships with local communities that will allow SEE Change to evaluate our personal agency approach. This includes research in Uganda where 90 youth were trained as part of a pilot RCT to identify impacts of EET participation for aspiring and established youth entrepreneurs.  One Peace Corps trainer commented that “Whereas I initially thought I had achieved most of what I want to achieve in life, the [EET visioning] activities help me to see even further. Having these activities will help our trainees, especially women entrepreneurs, to think deeper about their life goals.”  *The nine participating countries are Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Namibia, Paraguay, Peru, Senegal, and Uganda.

USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) Program (2021-2023)

As part of the Women in Waste’s Economic Empowerment (WWEE) Activity under CCBO, SEE Change developed a customized curriculum module based on the Empowered Entrepreneur Training for solid waste management (SWM) entrepreneurs in the Philippines and Indonesia. SEE Change has certified and supported trainers at CCBO grantee organizations in using this curriculum (e.g, providing coaching, agenda planning and facilitation tips) as they design and roll out the training program for over 500 SWM entrepreneurs (250 in the Philippines and 250 in Indonesia).

USAID’s Workplace Advancement for Gender Equality Program (2020-2024)

In partnership with Engendering Industries, SEE Change has certified and supported over 25 trainers from utility companies in Mozambique (EDM) and Malawi (EGENCO) to pilot the Empowered Employee Training program companywide. These pilots, which will bring greater awareness of how gender stereotypes and biases limit women’s advancement in male dominated sectors, will inform future phases of work with additional Engendering Industries partners. A certified trainer from EDM shared that the greatest benefit of the program was “to know myself, by drawing my tree of life. To find out how stereotypes can make a woman’s professional growth difficult.” SEE Change is also supporting WAGE to integrate personal agency approaches into an accelerated professional course for energy sector professionals from over 30 countries.

USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) Program (2019-2021)

In support of the Powering Agriculture Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC), a multi-donor effort that supported the development and deployment of clean energy solutions for agriculture, SEE Change certified 26 trainers from PAEGC Innovator companies working in East and West Africa and South Asia in the Empowered Entrepreneur Training. These certified trainers delivered EET training content to their sales teams in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic,, helping them to develop resilience, self-awareness and proactiveness in the face of market changes and challenges. One trainer remarked, “Our sales agents were shocked when they weren’t pushed to sell, but rather examine their internal limitations…There was a greater ease of communication built during the session(s) in terms of being able to approach each other, talk to each other... It made a hell of a difference.”

USAID’s Sector Reform and Utility Commercialization (SRUC) Project (2018-2019)

SEE Change conducted a trainer certification program for the Jamaican national electric utility, Jamaica Public Service (JPS), among other service providers, to deliver the Empowered Entrepreneur Training as part of its community engagement work in low resource communities. JPS certified trainers went on to support 51 entrepreneurs who own and operate cookshops, snack/juice shops, groceries, salons etc. to complete the EET program and participate in a Build Your Business Expo that linked entrepreneurs with financial, formalization and other types of critical business support services. Around 90 additional entrepreneurs were trained by certified trainers after the project end. Participating entrepreneurs reported a 3-fold increase in monthly income at endline, as well as an increase in their number of businesses and number of employees. One participant explained “I felt motivated to the point where after the training I open[ed] up two more small businesses.”

Training Resources

Since 2014, the SEE Change Initiative team members and partners have developed new, open-source training resources in order to make personal agency training methods available to organizations around the world. Our primary training resources are the ‘Empowered Entrepreneur’ and ‘Empowered Employee’ Handbooks. Both include a human-centered design plan and participant packets.

Request the latest versions of the Empowered Entrepreneur and Empowered Employee Handbooks here. If you encounter any issues with your request, contact Paul Spurzem (

Global SEE Change Trainer Community

Trainer Support

SEE Change trains and connects leaders around the world who are passionate about empowering the people around them. 

SEE Change supports this network of trainers through sharing resources, holding training and mentorship workshops, and hosting virtual community events through our private community platform for all trainers who participate in a SEE Change training of trainers program. 

SEE Change maintains a private online trainer community platform that includes: 

  • Trainer Directory
  • Threaded Discussions
  • Networking and Coaching events 

Additional resources for certified trainers, including: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Tools: Surveys, Assignments, Rubrics; Training Slides and Online Facilitation Guidance; Basic analytics and reporting for trainers using SEE Change M&E tools and more.

Global Community

  • Africa (East-South-West): 57
  • America (Caribbean-Central-Latin-North): 27
  • Asia: 54
  • Europe: 3

Do you know of a group of trainers or individuals that would like to become certified in SEE Change personal agency training methods? Inquire here to be informed of upcoming training programs in your region.