Media, Meetings, and Publications
The Center in the News, at Meetings, and in Print

Inside a Bold Vision to Scale Up the Fight Against Global Child Malnutrition
Dr. Parul Christian, director of the Human Nutrition Program, was recently interviewed by TIME to share her outlook on the new innovations being used to tackle malnutrition, especially in women and children.
"Despite the fact that this daily supplement can cost as little as $2.60 for an entire pregnancy, it’s been chronically under-resourced in low-income countries. Women’s nutrition has been neglected, so innovative funding for nutrition is key to making an impact."

Dr. Parul Christian Receives E.V. McCollum Award from the American Society for Nutrition
This award honors investigators who are a major creative force, actively generating new concepts in nutrition and personally seeing to the execution of studies testing the validity of these concepts. Dr. Christian was the 2023 recipient.

Center for Human Nutrition Students Honored at ASN
Sulagna Bandyopadhyay, PhD and Jennifer Lerman, MPH, RDN were recognized at ASN 2023 as emerging leaders in nutrition science for their posters on "Human Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Relation to Maternal Diet: Findings From the JiVitA-3 Study" and "Application of the HEI-Toddlers-2020: Assessing Diet Quality in Toddlers Among WIC Recipients and by Duration of WIC Participation."

CHN/Vitamin Angels Initiative to Advance Implementation Science in Nutrition
The Initiative to Advance Implementation Science in Nutrition was created in 2022 to facilitate the advancement of implementation science in the area of maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) and is a collaboration between the Vitamin Angel Alliance and the Center for Human Nutrition.