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Department of Health Policy and Management

Research and Practice


Our Department engages in research such as the opioid epidemic, pharmaceutical drug pricing policies, injury prevention, mental health, gun violence prevention policies, environmental health, patient safety and outcomes research, as well as public health informatics.


Our faculty and students also work directly with practitioners, community based organizations, policy makers, and others on the implementation of health policies grounded in research. Some of our practice and advocacy partners include the Baltimore City Health Department, the Maryland General Assembly, U.S. Congressional Members, federal agencies and cabinet members, and many more.

Centers & Institutes

Health Policy & Management is home to more than 16 research and practice-based centers and institutes and several affiliated programs and initiatives focused on a range of public health issues. The department also co-directs the Johns Hopkins-Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center, a collaboration between Johns Hopkins University, the Bloomberg School and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. 

  • Center for Gun Violence Solutions
    • Our team includes highly experienced researchers and public health-trained advocates to address gun violence as an epidemic-level public health emergency. 
  • Center for Health Disparities Solutions
    • Our mission is to generate and disseminate knowledge to reduce racial/ethnic and social class disparities in health status and health care through research, training, community partnerships and advocacy. 

  • Health Services & Outcomes Research
    • Our mission is to utilize evidence-based research to drive positive changes. We prioritize research on Federal and state policy issues, especially those concerning vulnerable populations. 

  • Center for Hospital Finance & Management
  • Center for Injury Research & Policy
    • Our team is a collaborative of injury prevention experts who conduct innovative research, teach today’s practitioners and tomorrow’s leaders, and translate discoveries into effective solutions to the devastating and costly problem of injuries in our society. 

  • Center for Law & the Public's Health
    • We enhance the effectiveness and visibility of law as a tool to protect and promote the public’s health with faculty who explore innovative uses of the law and conduct legal/empirical research in diverse areas related to public health. 

  • Center for Mental Health & Addiction Policy
    • We use a public health approach to strengthen mental health and addiction services and systems in the United States and to train a new generation of policy researchers in this field. 

  • Center for Population Health IT
    • We focus on improving the health and well-being of populations by advancing state-of-the-art Health IT and related internet and mobile-based e-health tools within public and private health care organizations and systems. 

  • Evidence-Based Practice Center
    • We produce comprehensive systematic reviews of important medical topics using interdisciplinary teams that integrate clinical expertise with evidence-based methods. 

  • Institute for Health and Social Policy
    • Our multidisciplinary work explores the relationship between public health and social policy and provides policymakers and practitioners with credible information to inform policy.

  • Primary Care Policy Center
    • We conduct short-term policy and long-term applied policy research that can help inform public policymaking in health care by combining the research base of the University with the practical experience of faculty, staff, consultants and students. 

  • Risk Sciences & Public Policy Institute
    • We provide scientists and decision makers with tools to ensure that environmental, worker, food, and product health and safety policies protect and prioritize public health. 

  • The Roger and Flo Lipitz Center to Advance Policy in Aging and Disability
    • We conduct innovative research, educate the leaders of tomorrow, and translate discoveries into policies and practices to improve the quality of care and quality of life of people with complex health needs and disabilities. 

  • Berman Institute of Bioethics
    • We are guiding the conversation about some of the most complex moral and policy issues affecting the health and well-being of people worldwide.

  • The Johns Hopkins University Public Policy Center
  • Lerner Center for Public Health Advocacy
    • We train leaders to become effective advocates for solving the world's greatest public health challenges. 

Affiliated Programs