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Program Registration for Groups Working with Youth/ Children (under 18) in Any Capacity

Indicates required field

Johns Hopkins University instituted a Policy on the Safety of Children in University Programs in June 2012 (See As a result, all University groups working with youth/ children (under 18 years old) in any capacity (e.g. tutoring, workshops and symposia) for any length of time must register their program and complete a series of requirements. All programs must register whenever there is a change in primary contacts. If you have any questions or concerns about this registration, contact SOURCE at or by calling (410) 955-3880.

Affiliation with Johns Hopkins University
School Affiliation

Primary Contact(s) Information

Primary Contact Affiliation with Hopkins
Secondary Contact Affiliation

Information about Programs and Events
While it is challenging to create a form to capture the exact nature of your event(s), we want a sense of the type of event you are organizing for youth/ children. Special events such as overnight stays and field trips must be approved at least one week in advance (the earlier the better) by a SOURCE staff member. Contact or call (410) 955-3880.

Frequency of event:
Will parents/ guardians attend the event(s) with youth/ children?