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Mutual Learning, Mobilizing Hope & Capacity Building in Tobacco Control: Stephen Tamplin, MSE

Department and Center Event

Innovations in Tobacco Control Lecture Series | Lecture & Career Celebration

Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Wolfe Street Building/W1030 (Anna Baetjer)
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Stephen Tamplin, MSE, discusses observations and experiences from a career focused on building capacity in tobacco control during this Innovations in Tobacco Control lecture presented by the Institute for Global Tobacco Control

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2025-04-08 18:00 2025-04-08 19:00 UTC use-title Location Wolfe Street Building/W1030 (Anna Baetjer) Zoom

About the Event

Hosted by the Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC), the monthly Innovations in Tobacco Control lecture series welcomes key researchers and experts to share ideas, present their work, and spark discussion. Presented in a hybrid format this month (register to attend in person or via Zoom), this special event welcomes Stephen Tamplin, MSE, for a lecture entitled “Mutual Learning, Mobilizing Hope & Capacity Building in Tobacco Control.”

The lecture will be followed by a brief moderated Q&A and a recording of the event will subsequently be posted to IGTC’s YouTube channel. 



Choose to attend in person or online. Upon approval of online registration, attendees will receive a personalized Zoom link to access the webinar. In-person attendees are invited to stay for an informal, post-lecture reception where light, complimentary refreshments will be served.

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Attend via Zoom


Headshot of Stephen Tamplin, MSE, a man with parted white hair, a light complexion, and a white mustache, wearing black wire-framed eyeglasses and a blue collared shirt with colorful tie

Stephen Tamplin, MSE

Associate Scientist, Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Steve Tamplin, MSE, has been involved with environmental quality monitoring, enforcement, and regulatory planning for more than 50 years. He served as a regional focal point for tobacco control (1998–2002) and regional advisor in environmental health (1987–2002) for the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, based in Manila, Philippines. In 2006, he joined the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where he has been a principal player in the development and implementation of tobacco control initiatives with a particular focus in leadership development and research capacity building in low- and middle-income countries, including a smoke-free workplan focused in China. In his distinguished career at IGTC, Tamplin has designed, implemented, and facilitated more than three dozen impactful and highly evaluated leadership programs, serving well over 2,500 participants over the course of 18 years. Tamplin has also served as a technical advisor for the WHO, chair of the WHO Western Pacific Region staff association and board of appeals, a peer reviewer for multiple journals, and co-author of 14 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals. Tamplin obtained his MSE in environmental engineering from West Virginia University. 

Contact Info

Katie Bittinger