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Research Projects

Research Highlights

Patient Portal Use Among Older Adults With Dementia Diagnosis

Center members Kelly Gleason, PhD, RN,  Mingche M. J. Wu, MSPH, Aleksandra Wec, BA, Danielle S. Powell, AuD, PhD, Talan Zhang, MPH, MS, and Jennifer L. Wolff, PhD, recently published a cohort study in JAMA Internal Medicine entitled "Patient Portal Use Among Older Adults With Dementia Diagnosis."

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Winter 2024 Issue Brief

Read the 2024 Issue Brief, entitled "Opportunities for Strengthening the Direct Care Workforce," prepared by Chanee Fabius, PhD, and Jennifer Wolff, PhD. 

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Health Care Staff Turnover and Quality of Care at Nursing Homes

Center member Karen Shen, PhD, recently published a study in JAMA Internal Medicine entitled "Health Care Staff Turnover and Quality of Care at Nursing Homes," in which she and co-authors investigated the association between nursing home staff turnover and quality of care.


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The Center’s research focuses on four key objectives

  • Domain #1: Strengthening the direct care workforce.
  • Domain #2: Supporting family caregivers. 
  • Domain #3: Advancing evidence-based rehabilitative care and long-term service and supports (LTSS).
  • Domain #4: Promoting person- and family-centered systems of care and financing. 

To browse research projects by year, please refer to our annual reports.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Lipitz Center members are involved in a range of policy activities, working in partnership with care delivery systems, payers, professional organizations, and governmental agencies, and their work appears widely in peer-reviewed journals. Recent publications are listed in our quarterly newsletter, and a yearly index is published in our annual report. Explore a selection of featured articles below:

Three people laughing and embracing

Predictors of Falls in Older Adults With and Without Dementia

Okoye, Fabius, Reider, and Wolff published a study in Alzheimer's and Dementia finding that falls were higher for persons living with, versus without, dementia. Understanding and incorporating fall-risk factors may be an effective strategy to prevent falls for people living with dementia.

Two people reading a piece of paper

The Time is Now: Spotlighting the Home Care Workforce Providing Essential Support to Older Adults

Fabius co-authored a special issue introduction in the April 2023 edition of the Journal of Applied Gerontology, which identified several studies that seek to better understand the role of home care workers and the impact they have on the care of older adults and their families.

Nurse talking to a woman who is sitting on a bed

Medicare advantage and dialysis facility choice

Jeffrey Marr, a second-year Health Economics and Policy PhD student in the Department of Health Policy and Management and T32 trainee, led a study in Health Services Research comparing characteristics of dialysis facilities used by traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage patients with end-stage kidney disease.

National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS)

The National Health and Aging Trends Study analyzes disability trends and trajectories in older people in order to reduce disability, maximize functioning, and enhance older adults' quality of life. Jen Schrack is the MPI and Maureen Skehan, MSPH '11, documents and disseminates research data.