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News Releases

Graduated Driver Licensing Reduces Fatal Crashes by 11 Percent

Graduated driver licensing programs reduce, by an average of 11 percent, the incidence of fatal crashes of 16-year-old drivers, according to a study by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Injury Research and Policy and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.


Doctor explaining the results of scan lung on digital tablet

The Guardian

Kansas reckons with large tuberculosis outbreak as health officials hamstrung
David Dowdy is quoted.

Cows feeding on farm.

Science News

A second version of bird flu is infecting cows. What does that mean?
Meghan Davis is quoted.

photo of young girl getting vaccinated

Associated Press

RFK Jr. kept asking to see the science that vaccines were safe. After he saw it, he dismissed it
Amesh Adalja is quoted. 

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Bloomberg School media guests will be accompanied by a communications staff member throughout their entire visit.