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Power of Public Health Philanthropy

Public health donors have a growth mindset: working and learning together drives better health for all.

Philanthropy in Action

Moore Family Commitment Revolutionizes How We Protect Children

With the Moore family’s support, Elizabeth Letourneau and her team focus on the prevention of child sexual abuse.

Bloomberg School leaders stand with Julia and Steve Moore to honor Elizabeth Letourneau as the inaugural Moore Family Professor

In early June 2024, Bloomberg School Dean Ellen MacKenzie, Steve Moore, Elizabeth Letourneau, Julia Moore, and JHU President Ron Daniels gathered at the School to celebrate Letourneau's installation as the inaugural Moore Family Professor. 

Health Equity Scholars Fund

The HES Fund supports doctoral studentsfrom junior scientists and policy advocates to budding researchers and practitionersin  addressing the root causes of health inequity and dismantling racist health systems and structures.