Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases Interest Group
The Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases Interest Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays during the academic year and is open to all interested trainees and faculty members.
The purpose of these meetings is to provide a forum for all interested trainees and faculty across the university to discuss nutritional factors related to risk of non-communicable diseases in the form of critiquing recent journal articles, presenting research-in-progress, discussing new research ideas, and hosting guest speakers from outside the university. The first session of the academic year will be a lightening round of brief overviews of ongoing research by faculty to facilitate collaborations and initiate trainee projects.
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 a.m. EST, during the academic year
This meeting is primarily in person in the 2-205 Conference Room at 2024 E. Monument Street.
Please contact the staff coordinator for the Zoom meeting information and to be added to the listserv. Please contact the faculty coordinator with presentation topics.
- Faculty Contact: Casey M. Rebholz
- Staff Contact: Laura Gottschalk
09/11/2024 | Sel J. Hwahng, PhD, ScM, & Marian Frimpong, BS | Dietary Attitudes and Behaviors Among Trans Women of Color: Preliminary Findings |
09/25/2024 | Zijing (Maomao) Guo, MPH | Ultra-Processed Foods, Dietary Patterns, and the Management of Diabetes and Complications |
10/09/2024 | Jeannette Beasley, PhD, RD, MPH | Improving Diet Quality Among Older Adults |
10/23/2024 | Valerie K. Sullivan, PhD, MHS, RD | Trends in Plant-Based Diets Among U.S. Adults, 1999-March 2020 |
11/13/2024 | No Meeting | |
11/27/2024 | No Meeting - Thanksgiving Break | |
12/11/2024 | Keiko Kabasawa, MD, PhD | Association of Calcium and Magnesium Intakes and Their Intake Ratio With Albuminuria in Community-Dwelling Japanese Adults |
12/25/2024 | No Meeting - Winter Break | |
01/08/2025 | No Meeting - Winter Break | |
01/22/2025 | Shutong Du, MHS | Ultra-Processed Food Consumption: Classification, Proteomic Biomarkers, and Clinical Consequences |
02/12/2025 | Andrea Glenn, MSc, RD, PhD | Plasma Metabolomic Profile of the Cholesterol-Lowering Portfolio Diet and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk |
02/26/2025 | Practice Presentations for AHA Epi | Lifestyle | |
Shutong Du, MHS | Oral Presentation — Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and MRI-Based Carotid Plaque Characteristics: Results from the ARIC Study | |
Jiaqi (Katherine) Yang, ScM | Moderated Poster Presentation — Healthy Eating for the Planet, Cardiovascular Health, and Longevity: An Observational Study | |
Zijing (Maomao) Guo, MPH | Poster Presentation — Consumption of Ultra-processed Food and Risk of Major Complications in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study | |
03/12/2025 | Peiyu Chen, MS, RD | The Association Between Dietary Protein Intake and Incidence of Dementia in the ARIC Study |
03/26/2025 | Hamed Faridi, PhD | McCormick Science Institute: Mission, Funding Guidelines, Governance and 20 Years of Influence on the Research and Public Health Communities |
04/09/2025 | Yeeli Mui, PhD, MPH | Food Systems Planning: A Structural Driver of Food Security and Nutritious Diets |
04/23/2025 | ||
05/14/2025 | ||
05/28/2025 | No Meeting - Summer Break |