Lighthouse Studies at Peer Point
Community-based Research at the Bloomberg School of Public HealthÂ
Our investigators conduct research into health promotion and disease prevention with special emphasis on disadvantaged urban populations. Our projects use innovative methodologies to design and implement interventions that focus on social networks and neighborhoods. We use tools such as mHealth and ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) to gather real-time data and support our peer educator interventions.
Our projects are diverse and international, investigating issues ranging from harm reduction, substance abuse, overdose, and mental health to climate change.
Engaging the Community
We work directly with Baltimore residents every day at our McElderry Street location, conducting intervention sessions and interviews and providing a range of free risk reduction services. For the most up-to-date information on current studies and programs at the Lighthouse in Baltimore, visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

Contact Us
2213 McElderry St, 2nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21205
Fax: 410-502-5385