Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation (DataDENT)

Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation (DataDENT) is a five-year initiative (2017-2022) that aims to transform the availability and use of nutrition data by addressing gaps in nutrition measurement and advocating for stronger nutrition data systems.
In contexts with a high burden of undernutrition, there has been an expansion of investments to strengthen multi-sectorial actions for nutrition. However, nutrition data systems are fragmented and incomplete in many countries. This makes it difficult for governments, development partners, and other nutrition stakeholders to access and use data to define priorities, monitor efforts, and allocate resources.
Overall Aim
DataDENT works across four priority areas to address these challenges:
- Fill gaps and improve quality of nutrition coverage measurement in household and facility surveys
- Develop more effective approaches for data-driven nutrition accountability and advocacy
- Promote and support strategic planning and financing for data value chain strengthening
- Global and regional nutrition data value chain advocacy, coordination and dissemination
In all areas, DataDENT aims to develop and disseminate global public goods that serve diverse audiences. DataDENT’s global efforts are grounded in more focused engagement in three countries (Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and India) and with regional initiatives in West Africa and South Asia.
DataDENT is led by the Institute for International Programs (IIP) and partners closely with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Results for Development Institute (R4D).
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation