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, PhD, MPH

Senior Associate

Contact Info


Research Interests

Research ethics; health policy; HIV/AIDS policy; civilian bidefense; and qualitative research methods.
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of Michigan
Stanford University
My primary research interests are in applied research ethics and ethics and infectious disease. In particular I am interested in the local review of human subject research, methods to improve the informed consent process, and the obligations researchers have to the subjects they enroll.  My policy interests include HIV/AIDS and civilian biodefense.
Select Publications
I selected the publications below to highlight both my current work as well as long standing interests.
  • Taylor HA. Review and Conduct of Human Subjects Research after a Natural or Manmade Disaster: Findings from a Pilot Study. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2016; 6(3): 211-22
  • Ervin AM, Taylor HA, Ehrhardt S. NIH Policy on Single-IRB Review - A New Era in Multicenter Studies. New England Journal of Medicine 2016; 375(24): 2315-2317 (PMC 5234329).
  • Black BS, Taylor HA, Rabins PV, Karlawish J. Study Partners Perform Essential Tasks in Dementia Research and Can Experience Burdens and Benefits in This Role. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 2016 26(10):1649-57 (PMC 5107353).
  • Kass N, Taylor HA, Ali J, Hallez K. A Pilot Study of Simple Interventions to Improve Informed Consent in Clinical Research: Feasibility, Approach, and Results Clinical Trials 2015; (12)1: 54-66 (PMC#4344898).
  • Taylor HA, Rutkow L, Barnett D. 2014. Local Health Department Workforce Willingness to Respond to Infectious Disease Events: Empirical, Ethical and Legal Considerations, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 2014; 12(4):178-85 (PMC#4106374)
A ncillary Care in Community-Based Research: Deciding What to Do