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Experiences & Accomplishments
I am a assistant professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University. My research interests lie in developing and improving systems to support ethical, equitable, and robust decision making. We develop and apply methodologies in causal inference, algorithmic fairness, and machine learning to systems-level problems in public health, focusing on health inequities produced by structural injustice and policy impact.
Select Publications
Selected publications
Potential for Allocative Harm in an Environmental Justice Data Tool (Preprint)
Benjamin Q. Huynh*, Elizabeth T. Chin*, Allison Koenecke, Derek Ouyang, Daniel E. Ho, Mathew V. Kiang, David H. RehkopfProtection against Omicron from Vaccination and Previous Infection in a Prison System (New England Journal of Medicine, 2022)
Elizabeth T. Chin, David Leidner, Lauren Lamson, Kimberly Lucas, David Studdert, Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, Jason Andrews, Joshua SalomonCovid-19 Vaccine Acceptance in California State Prisons (New England Journal of Medicine, 2021)
Elizabeth T. Chin, David Leidner, Theresa Ryckman, Yiran Liu, Lea Prince, Fernando Alarid-Escudero, Jason Andrews, Joshua Salomon, Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, David StuddertProjected geographic disparities in health-care worker absenteeism from COVID-19 school closures and the economic feasibility of child care subsidies: a simulation study (BMC Medicine, 2020)
Elizabeth T. Chin*, Benjamin Huynh*, Nathan Lo, Trevor Hastie, Sanjay BasuPatient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Implicate Intrinsic Impaired Contractility in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (Circulation, 2020)
Sharon Paige*, Francisco Galdos*, Soah Lee*, Elizabeth T. Chin*, Sara Ranjbarvaziri, Dries Feyen, Adrija Darsha, Sidra Xu, Julia Ryan, Aimee Beck, M Yasir Qureshi, Yifei Miao, Mingxia Gu, Daniel Bernstein, Timothy Nelson, Mark Mercola, Marlene Rabinovitch, Euan Ashley, Victoria Parikh, Sean Wu