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Jacqueline Hackett, MPH '19, MPP '10, examines policy development, advocacy, and implementation at state and federal levels with a focus on substance use.

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Experiences & Accomplishments

Jacqueline Hackett is the Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, where she works on the development and implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy, and the Administration’s efforts to reduce substance use and its consequences through a public health and public safety approach.  Jacqueline’s recent work has included consulting with interagency and stakeholder experts to establish strategic priorities related to racial equity in drug policy and access to quality substance use treatment, coordinating health communication efforts around evidence-based harm reduction, and collaborating with State, local, and Tribal governments on promising practices in programming and policy.  She is focused on ensuring that people with lived experience are represented in all policymaking and discussions related to substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. 
The Office of National Drug Control Policy, a component of the Executive Office of the President, is the Federal entity charged with coordinating all policy related to substance use in the United States, and has oversight of the 19 agencies and more than $43 billion in the National Drug Control Budget.