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Assistant Professor

Suzanne Bell, PhD ’18, MPH, studies fertility and related behaviors, examining patterns of contraceptive use, abortion, and infertility and factors that contribute to disparities.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room W4513

Research Interests

Contraception; Abortion; Fertility; Infertility; Family planning; Survey research; Measurement; Demography; Epidemiology

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Suzanne Bell is a demographer who is committed to improving understanding of fertility and related behaviors at the population level and to identifying factors that contribute to disparities in achievement of reproductive goals. Specifically, her work examines patterns of induced abortion, contraceptive use, and infertility. Within each of these domains she conducts methodological work to improve the measurement of these phenomena and generate evidence that informs policy and programmatic efforts to address unmet sexual and reproductive health needs and related inequities. 

Honors & Awards

2017 – Laurie Schwab Zabin Award
2017 – Edward J. Dehne Award in Population Dynamics
2015, 2016 – Endowed Fellowship in Family Planning and Reproductive Health
2015 – Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health Travel Scholarship
2015 – JHSPH Center for Global Public Health Research Scholarship
2014, 2015 – Robertson Scholarship
2010 – UC Berkeley Bixby Center for Population Health and Sustainability Practicum Fellowship
2009, 2010 – US Department of Education Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

Select Publications

Select publications from last three years:

  • Bell SO, Larson E, Bittle D, Moreau M, Omoluabi E, OlaOlorun FM, Akilimali P et al. (2024) "Care-seeking for difficulties conceiving in sub-Saharan Africa: findings from population-based surveys in eight geographies." Human Reproduction. deae084.

  • Bell SO, Stuart E, Gemmill A. (2023). Association between Texas’ 2021 ban on abortion in early pregnancy and changes in live births. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.12034

  • Bell SO, Karp C, PMA Principal Investigators Group, Moreau C, Gemmill A. (2023). “If I use family planning, I may have trouble getting pregnant next time I want to”: A multicountry survey-based exploration of perceived contraceptive induced fertility impairment and its relationship to contraceptive use. Contraception Xdoi: 10.1016/j.conx.2023.100093

  • Bell SO, Dozier JL, Casubhoy I, Sufrin C. (2023). Impact of New Abortion Restrictions on People in Prison: Estimated Distance to Abortion Providers and Number of Incarcerated People without Abortion Access. Contraception.

  • Bell SO, Berger B, Sufrin C, Dozier J, Burke A. (2023). An Exploratory Study of COVID-19-Related Changes in Abortion Service Availability and Use in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 1:1.

  • Bell SO, Guiella G, Byrne ME, Bazie F, Onadja Y, Thomas H, Moreau C. (2022). Induced abortion incidence and safety in Burkina Faso in 2020: Results from a population-based survey using direct and social network-based estimation approaches. Plos One.

  • Bell SO, Shankar M, OlaOlorun F, Hyacinthe A, Omoluabi E, Guiella G, Ahmed S, Moreau C. (2021). Postabortion Care Facility Readiness and Access in Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire. Health Policy and Planning 36(7): 1077-1089.

The fertility, maternal health, and infant health consequences of abortion restrictions
Changes in pregnancy outcomes among high-risk pregnancies post-Dobbs
Advancing understanding and measurement of infertility and related fear and stigma low-resource countries
PMA Abortion
Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA)