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- Emeritus

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, E4146

Research Interests

Maternal and child health; child health; child development; infant mortality; immunization; community pediatrics; childhood injury; preventive health; public health; state health agencies; disparities in children's health.
Experiences & Accomplishments
Harvard University
University of Rochester
I am now retired and no longer carrying out an active research program. My research focused on improving the health of children, their mothers, and their families -- in this country and in the developing world -- using the tools of public health. The specific areas of my research included, immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases, childhood injury and injury prevention, the causes and strategies to reduce infant mortality, and interventions to strengthen human development during the early portion of the lifespan. I have been interested in the early determinants of adult disease.
My research examined the span of these children's health conditions, including etiological factors, prevention strategies, the systems of health care that address these problems, and the social and political/policy contexts for health and well-being. In doing this work, I combined the tools of epidemiology, health services research, policy analysis, and management.
Honors & Awards
Member (1995), Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
Martha May Eliot Award, American Public Health Association, 2003
2009 Zena Stein and Mervyn Susser Award for Lifetime Achievement. National MCH Epidemiology Awards, The Coalition for Excellence in MCH Epidemiology, 2009
David Rall Medal, for distinguished leadership as a chair of a study committee. Institute of Medicine, 2009.
"Golden Apple" Teaching Award, Johns Hopkins School of Public health, 2003
Award for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard School of Public Health, 1988.
Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine
Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Maternal and Child Health in Massachusetts. 1986.
Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society. Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene. 1990.
Wellcome Trust Traveling Fellowship to the United Kingdom, 1992.
Select Publications
I am now retired; no new publications are listed.
  • Peer reviewed articles:
  • Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (2010). The Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built in Early Childhood.
  • Tyus NC, Gibbons MC, Robinson KA, Twose C, Guyer B. In the shadow of academic medical centers: A systematic review of urban health research in Baltimore City. J.Community Health 2010;35: .
  • Shi L, Zhang J, Wang Y, Caulfield LE, Guyer B. Effectiveness of an educational intervention on complementary feeding practices, growth and micronutrient status in rural China: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition.2009;26:1-10.
  • Guyer B, Ma S. Conceptualizing Health Disparities: Panel Reflections.  In: Starting Early: A Life-course Perspective on Child Health Disparities. Pediatrics 2009;124 (Supplement 3) S212-3.
Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of early child health interventions