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Sara Bennett

Departmental Affiliations

Health Systems

Center & Institute Affiliations

Sara Bennett, PhD, MPhil, examines health policy and systems in low- and middle-income countries with a focus on institutional capacity, sustainability, and systems governance.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E8140

Research Interests

health systems; ; evidence-to-policy; policy networks; governance; aid effectiveness and sustainability; multisectoral collaboration

Experiences & Accomplishments
London School of Economics
University of Cambridge, Kings College
University of Oxford, St. Anne's College

My background is in politics and economics, and I have a broad interest in health systems having previously studied issues in health financing, the role of the private sector, health worker motivation, changing roles of government and the impact of global health initiatives on health systems.

Currently I am interested in understanding and addressing some of the institutional challenges in promoting stronger governance for health. For example, my interests encompass:-

• How alternative institutional arrangements support (or undermine) the use of evidence in policy and decision-making

• How to strengthen multisectoral collaboration for health

• The nature of donor/country government relations in health and in particular issues of donor transition

• Enhancing accountabilities for health, in particular understanding approaches and challenges to institutionalizing accountability mechanisms.

I enjoy working in multi-disciplinary teams, and many of the projects I am involved in use mixed-methods approaches. I am particularly interested in the application of political science to health systems, as this is too often neglected.

I am currently the CEO of the Future Health Systems consortium, and the former chair of Health Systems Global, I also Chair the Joint Health Systems Resarch Committee (Wellcome Trust/MRC/DFID/ESRC). I currently direct the DrPH program at Johns Hopkins.

Follow me on Twitter: @saracbennett

Select Publications

Selected recent publications

  • Fryatt B, Bennett S, and Soucat A (2017) Health Sector Governance: Should we be investing more? BMJ Global Health DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000343

  • Zakumumpa H*, Bennett S, Ssengooba F, (2017) Modifications to ART service delivery models by health facilities in Uganda in promotion of intervention sustainability: A mixed-methods study Implementation Science 12:45 10.1186/s13012-017-0578-8

  • Rasanathan K, Bennett S, Atkins V, Beschel R, Carrasquilla G, Charles J, Dasgupta R, Emerson K, Glandon D, Kanchanachitra C, Kingsley P, Matheson D, Mbabu RM, Mwansambo C, Paul J, Radebe T, Smith J, Solar O, Soucat A, Ssennyonjo A, Wismar M, Zaidi S. (2017) Governing Multisectoral Action for Health in Low- and Middle-income Countries Plos Medicine 14(4)

  • Rodriguez D., Whiteside A., and Bennett S. (2017) Creating and Sustaining Political Commitment for Key Populations during Donor Transitions. Bull World Health Organ 2017;95:121–127. doi: 10.2471/BLT.16.179861.

  • Jessani N.* Kennedy C. and Bennett S. (2016) The human capital of knowledge brokers: An analysis of attributes, capacities and skills of academic faculty at Kenyan Schools of Public Health Health Research Policy and Systems 14:58 DOI: 10.1186/s12961-016-0133-0

Future Health Systems: Health Services for the Future
Evaluative Assessment of Phase II of the Avahan Program
Project SOAR
Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Support Project
African Health Diagnostics Platform (AHDP)
Uttar Pradesh Health System Strengthening Project