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Assistant Professor
- Adjunct

Contact Info

219 Chandlee Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University
University Park

Research Interests

Micronutrient deficiencies (assessment, causes, neurocognitive/neurophysiological/behavioral consequences, prevention); child development; maternal and child interaction; iron; anemia; international health
Experiences & Accomplishments
The Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
Honors & Awards
2016 Norman Kretchmer Memorial Award for Outstanding Research in Nutrition and Development, ASN
2015 Teaching Excellence Award, Penn State
2014 Teaching Excellence Award, Penn State
2013 Teaching Excellence Award, Penn State
2013 Outstanding Nutrition Alumni Award, Penn State
2008 Johns Hopkins Faculty Innovation Award
2007 The Dannon Institute’s Nutrition Leadership Institute
2006 International Society on Infant Studies Early Career Award
2006 Penn State Psychology Department Faris Award
2004 Kellogg Prize for International Nutrition: Finalist
2003 Penn State College of Health and Human Development Hintz Graduate Education Enhancement Award
2002-2003 Penn State College of Health and Human Development Kligman Graduate Fellowship Award
2002 Penn State College of Health and Human Development Hintz Graduate Education Enhancement Award
2001 Penn State Graduate Program in Nutrition Competitive Research Award
Select Publications
Selected publications from the past 4 years:
  • Oriá RB, Murray-Kolb LE, Rasmussen Z, Scharf R, Koling G, Guerrant RL. Early-life enteric infections: Relation between chronic systemic inflammation and poor cognition in children. Nutr Rev. (2016) May 3. pii: nuw008. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Scott SP and Murray-Kolb LE. Iron status is associated with performance on executive function tasks in nonanemic young women. J Nutr (2016) 146:30-7.
  • Murray-Kolb LE, Rasmussen ZA, Scharf RJ, Rasheed MA, Svensen E, Seidman JC, Tofail F, Koshy B, Shrestha R, Maphula A, Vasquez AO, da Costa HP, Yousafzai AK, Oria RB, Roshan R, Bayyo EB, Kosek M, Shrestha S, Schaefer BA, Bessong P, Ahmed T, Lang D; MAL-ED Network Investigators. The MAL-ED Cohort Study: Methods and lessons learned when assessing early child development and caregiving mediators in infants and young children in 8 low- and middle-income countries. Clin Infect Dis (2014) 59 Suppl 4:S261-72.
  • Pendergast LL, Scharf RJ, Rasmussen ZA, Seidman JC, Schaefer BA, Svensen E, Tofail F, Koshy B, Kosek M, Rasheed MA, Roshan R, Maphula A, Shrestha R, Murray-Kolb LE; MAL-ED Network Investigators. Postpartum depressive symptoms across time and place: structural invariance of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire among women from the international, multi-site MAL-ED study. J Affect Disord (2014) 167:178-86.
  • McClung JP and Murray-Kolb LE. Iron nutrition and premenopausal women: Effects of poor iron status on neuropsychological and physical performance. Annu Rev Nutr (2013) 33:271-88.
Influence of Iron and Zinc Supplementation on Development
Changing Lives: A Learning Initiative to End Violence Against Women and Girls in Emergencies "