Departmental Affiliations
Contact Info
Research Interests
- Epidemiology
- Addictions
- Aging
- Alcohol
- alcoholism
- Depression
- Drugs
- drug abuse
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology
- psychiatric
- Gerontology
- aging
- Mental disorders
- Mental
- emotional health
- Psychiatric epidemiology
- Psychopathology
- Risk factor analysis
Experiences & Accomplishments
Dr. Crum's major research interests focus on the epidemiology and prevention of psychiatric disorders, alcoholism, and other substance abuse. Current research activities include the development of a research program of study on the epidemiology and prevention of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Recent projects center on identifying risk factors for alcohol abuse and dependence among adults and adolescents, evaluating the co-morbidity of alcohol and psychiatric disorders, studying a brief intervention for the prevention of alcoholism among severely mentally ill patients, and assessing the potential role of spirituality and religious beliefs and practices in the treatment of patients with severe mental illness.
Honors & Awards
Fellow, American Psychopathological Association, 2001 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA), Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1997 and 2004 Elected to Delta Omega - Alpha Chapter, 1994 Scientist Development Award for Clinicians, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, 1993 Thomas P. Hackett Award, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 1989 Graduated cum laude, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Class of 1985 Graduated cum laude with Departmental Honors in Biological Sciences, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY, Class of 1979
Select Publications
Crum RM, Storr CL, Chan YF. (2005) Depression syndromes with risk of alcohol dependence in adulthood: a latent class analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 79:71-81.
Crum RM, Chan YF, Chen LS, Storr CL, Anthony JC. (2005) Incidence rates for alcohol dependence among adults: Prospective data from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Follow-up Survey, 1981-1996. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 66(6):795-805.
Crum RM, Storr C, Anthony JC. (2005) Are educational aspirations associated with the risk of alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among adolescents? Substance Use and Misuse 40(2):151-169.
Crum RM, Ford DE, Storr CL, Chan YF. (2004) Association of sleep disturbance with chronicity and remission of alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 28(10):1533-1540.
Crum RM, Storr CL, Chan YF, Ford DE. (2004) Sleep disturbance and risk for alcohol-related problems. American Journal of Psychiatry 161(7):1197-1203.