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Dr. Charles Armstrong Chair in Epidemiology
David Celentano

Departmental Affiliations

Infectious Disease Epidemiology
School of Medicine

David Celentano, ScD ’77, MHS ’75, is an infectious disease epidemiologist who researches behavioral risk factors for HIV/AIDS, STIs, and other infections.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room W6041
410 614-0467

Research Interests

epidemiology; international health; HIV, AIDS, STDs; substance abuse, alcohol; behavior, Asia, HIV/AIDS prevention; Thailand; India; South Africa

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University

David Celentano, ScD '77, MHS '75, is Professor and Charles Armstrong Chair of the Department of Epidemiology, with joint appointments in International Health, Health, Society and Behavior and Medicine (School of Medicine). His research integrates behavioral science theory and research with epidemiology methods in the study of behavioral and social epidemiology. While originally trained in a chronic disease paradigm (alcoholism and cancer control), he began his research in HIV/AIDS and STDs in the early 1980s. He has worked on some of the major cohort studies (ALIVE, MACS) in HIV epidemiology, as well as conducted intervention research in the USA for heterosexual men and women, injection drug users, and young men who have sex with men.
He turned to international research in 1990, when he began a long-term collaboration with Chiang Mai University in northern Thailand. He has worked on and directed numerous HIV/AIDS and STD epidemiological investigations and preventive interventions. He and his collaborators have demonstrated that a behavioral intervention with young military conscripts lead to a 7-fold reduction in incident STDs and halved the HIV incidence rate. In addition, the role of STDs and alcohol use on HIV acquisition has been documented. More recently, his group has conducted a prospective study of hormonal contraception in relation to HIV seroconversion, a study with significant family planning policy and health implications. He recently completed four NIH-supported studies in Thailand, focusing on interventions to influence the association between opiate use, methamphetamine use, and other drugs on HIV. The focus of these interventions was to harness indigenous peer networks for risk reduction.He was the Thailand PI of Project Accept/HPTN 043, which showed the strong influence of community mobilization, HIV counseling and testing at the village level with post-test support services reduced behavioral risk and increased HCT to 72% of at-risk villagers in three years. Other work addressed the use of antiretroviral treatment as HIV prevention (HPTN 052) that demonstrated a >90% reduction in HIV transmission and opioid substitution therapy as HIV prevention (NPTN 058) for persons who inject drugs. On-going research includes a community-randomized trial of methods to link men who have sex with men with needed health and psychological health services in India. He is a mentor to several DrPH students from Abu Dhabi, UAE and is doing public health practice in the State of Qatar with Ministry of Health funding.

Honors & Awards

2000 Fellow, American College of Epidemiology
2002 Member, American Epidemiological Society
2002 Innovators Award, American Association for Public Opinion Research
2002 Achievement Award, American Sexually Transmitted Disease Association
2006 Doctor of Philosopy in Medical Science (honoris causa), Chiang Mai University

Select Publications

Exemplary publications

Celentano D, Szklo M, Farag YMK. Gordis Epidemiology, 7th Edition. Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA, 2024

Lai H, Treisman G, Celentano DD, Gerstenblith G, Mandler RN, Khalsa J, Charurat M, Lai S, Pearson G. High-risk coronary plaque regression in cash-based  contingency management intervention among cocaine users with HIV-associated subclinical coronary atherosclerosis. J Addict Med. 2023 Mar-Apr;17(2):147-154. Epub 2022 Aug 24.  

Lai H, Celentano DD, Treisman G, Khalsa J, Gerstenblith G, Page B, Mandler RN, Yang Y, Salmeron B, Bhatia S, Chen S, Lai S, Goodkin K, Charurat M. Cocaine use may moderate the associations of HIV and female sex with neurocognitive impairment in a predominantly African American population disproportionately impacted by HIV and substance use. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2023 May;37(5):243-252. Epub 2023 Apr 20. Menezes NS, Solomon SS, McFall AM, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, Kumar MS, Celentano DD, Mehta SH, Lucas GM. Changes in HIV care continuum indicators among community-based samples of HIV-infected people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men across 21 cities in India. AIDS Care. 2023 Oct;35(10):1570-1579. Epub 2022 Sep 17.

Karver TS, Barrington C, Donastorg Y, Perez M, Gomez H, Page KR, Celentano DD, Smith KC, Kerrigan D. Exploring the dynamics of the quality of HIV care experienced by female sex workers living in the Dominican Republic. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023 Apr 28;3(4):e0001479. eCollection 2023.

Lai H, Treisman G, Celentano DD, Gerstenblith G, Mandler RN, Khalsa J, Charurat M, Lai S, Pearson G. Elevated homocysteine levels may moderate and mediate the association between HIV and cognitive impairment among middle-aged and older adults in an underserved population in Baltimore, Maryland. Int J STD AIDS. 2023 Dec 8:9564624231218762.

Sabri B, Budhathoki C, McFall AM, Mehta SH, Celentano DD, Solomon SS, Srikrishnan AK, Anand S, Vasudevan CK, Lucas GM. Cumulative violence exposures among men who have sex with men living with HIV in India: Psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes. PLoS One. 2023 Dec 1;18(12):e0295225. eCollection 2023. 

Arrington-Sanders R, Galai N, Falade-Nwulia O, Hammond C, Wirtz A, Beyrer C, Arteaga A, Celentano DD. Patterns of polysubstance use in young Black and Latinx sexual minority men and transgender women and Its association with sexual partnership factors: The PUSH Study. Substance Use & Misuse 1-12 2023/10/5

Dr. Celentano’s bibliography can be found at the NCBI website as:





  • Marks MA, Gupta S, Liaw KL, Tadesse A, Kim E, Phongnarisorn C, Wootipoom V, Yuenyao P, Vipupinyo C, Rugpao S, Sriplienchan S, Gravitt PE, Celentano DD. Prevalence and correlates of HPV among women attending family planning clinics in Thailand. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 27;15:159. doi: 10.1186/s12879-015-0886-z.

  • Solomon SS, Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, McFall AM, Balakrishnan P, Anand S, Nandagopal P, Ogburn E, Laeyendecker O, Lucas GM, Solomon S, Celentano DD. High HIV prevalence and incidence among MSM across 12 cities in India. AIDS. 2015 Mar 27;29(6):723-31. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000602

  • Coates TJ, Kulich M, Celentano DD, Zelaya CE, Chariyalertsak S, Chingono A, Gray G, Mbwambo JK, Morin SF, Richter L, Sweat M, van Rooyen H, McGrath N, Fiamma A, Laeyendecker O, Piwowar-Manning E, Szekeres G, Donnell D, Eshleman SH; NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043) study team.Effect of community-based voluntary counselling and testing on HIV incidence and social and behavioural outcomes (NIMH Project Accept; HPTN 043): a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Glob Health. 2014 May;2(5):e267-77. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(14)70032-4.

  • Wyman L, Crum RM, Celentano DD. Depressed mood and cause-specific mortality: a 40-year general community assessment. Ann Epidemiol. 2012 Sept22(9):638-43. doi: /10.1016/j.annepidem.2012.06.102.

  • Cohen MS, Chen YQ, McCauley M, Gamble T, Hosseinipour MC, Kumarasamy N, Hakim JG, Kumwenda J, Grinsztejn B, Pilotto JH, Godbole SV, Mehendale S, Chariyalertsak S, Santos BR, Mayer KH, Hoffman IF, Eshleman SH, Piwowar-Manning E, Wang L, Makhema J, Mills LA, de Bruyn G, Sanne I, Eron J, Gallant J, Havlir D, Swindells S, Ribaudo H, Elharrar V, Burns D, Taha TE, Nielsen-Saines K, Celentano D, Essex M, Fleming TR; HPTN 052 Study Team. Prevention of HIV-1 infection with early antiretroviral therapy. N Engl J Med. 2011 Aug 11;365(6):493-505. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1105243.

HIV Prevention Trials
Community-Based Vct: Thailand
HPTN 052- A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy Plus HIV Primary Care versus HIV Primary Care Alone to Prevent the Sexual Transmission of HIV-1 in Serodiscordant Couples
Reducing Global Inequities in Burden of Disease
Peer and Family-Based Social Support For HIV Treatment Adherence in South Africa
EXACT - EXposure Assessment in Current Time
Prevention for Positives: A RCT for Vietnamese HIV-positive IDUs
Beacon Study: Informal Caregiving & Medical Adherence among HIV+ Injection Drug Users
Southern Asia HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
The Effects Of New Alcohol Restrictions On Sexual Behaviors Of Thai Underage Youth
JHU Southern Asia Clinical Trials Unit
Improving the Validity of Reported Sexual Behaviors Including Partner Concurrency in South Africa
Preventing HIV Infection Among MSM in Southern India
Preventing HIV Infection among MSM in South India
Training in HIV-related Non-communicable Disease Complications in Malawi
Reducing Hazardous Alcohol Use & HIV Viral Load: An RCT in ART Clinic
ALIVE - AIDS Linked to the IntraVenous Experience
Preventing Rural Thai Methamphetamine Abuse and HIV by Community Mobilization
The Johns Hopkins Fogarty AIDS International Training & Research Program (AITRP)