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Protecting Human Subject Data Privacy: an Introduction

Career and Professional Support
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Add to Calendar 15 jhu-bsph-303976 Protecting Human Subject Data Privacy: an Introduction

Join Johns Hopkins Data Services for an overview of common privacy disclosure risks from personal and health identifiers in data. 

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2024-09-26 16:00 2024-09-26 17:00 UTC use-title Location Zoom

Protecting research participant and patients’ privacy is challenging not just for security, but also when anonymizing data for external collaborators, publications, and research databases. Join JHU Data Services for an overview of common privacy disclosure risks from personal and health identifiers in data. We discuss how to comply with IRB and HIPAA guidance for data security within the research team and introduce techniques for de-identifying data for external collaborators and public databases. You may preview session topics in our online module and guide

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