Matching, Outreach, Referrals for Enrollment in WIC
MORE WIC! Project Awards Grants to Five State Agencies to Streamline WIC Enrollment in the U.S. The grants include technical support to help agencies identify individuals eligible for WIC, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

The funding application period closed on October 15, 2024, but we are still accepting technical assistance requests from WIC State agencies!
Contact us for more details.
Too many eligible families miss out on WIC. Data can help change that.
WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) gives families healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition information and referrals to medical and social services. But only around half of those eligible are enrolled.
MORE WIC! will use data to streamline the enrollment process and increase participation in WIC. Over the next five years, MORE WIC! will help WIC State agencies identify and reach out to eligible families using information from other federal assistance programs like Medicaid and SNAP. Together with USDA, MORE WIC! is committed to streamlining WIC enrollment for those who are already participating in Medicaid and/or SNAP so more eligible families can be served.

How will MORE WIC! help WIC State agencies' data-matching and outreach efforts?
- Providing funding
- Offering hands-on technical assistance tailored to State agencies’ needs
- Developing publicly available resources
- Determining effectiveness and reporting on project results
MORE WIC! is a cooperative agreement with the USDA Food and Nutrition Services (FNS). It is led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with support from the National WIC Association (NWA). The project is part of USDA's broader plan to modernize, strengthen, and expand WIC's reach to improve the health of young children and their families.