David Bishai

David Bishai, MD, MPH, PhD, professor in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, has been appointed Harford County Health Officer, effective January 1, 2021. According to Bishai, “Being inside a county health department is the ultimate way to close the know-do gap at a critical time for our country.” His new role provides opportunities for expanded BSPH partnerships and realizing “The Power of Public Health.”
Bishai is well prepared to meet the public health challenges he will confront. Together with Meike Schleiff, he co-edited a new book Achieving Health for All documenting case studies where countries applied a public health approach based on partnership and community engagement. He has consulted for several countries in Africa and the Middle East on strategies to improve public health practice and led a WHO panel in designing a blueprint for quality improvement in local public health practice. His current research sponsored by the RWJ Foundation is targeted on identifying US states and counties who had exemplary success in controlling their COVID-19 pandemic. Harford County Health Department is one of few in the country that is accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board. Like many counties in Maryland, Harford County is seeing a late-year surge in COVID-19 cases, however past partnerships with community resources are paying off in mobilizing an effective response.
Bishai is Board Certified by both the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Internal Medicine. He earned an MD from the University of California San Diego, a MPH from University of California, Los Angeles, and his PhD from Wharton Business School. He is an internationally renowned scholar who has held leadership positions both within BSPH, and globally. He serves on the PFRH Executive Committee and the Faculty Development Committee in addition to his prior schoolwide role as president of Faculty Senate. Bishai also is past president of the International Health Economics Association. He also has been recognized with coveted teaching awards including the Golden Apple and Advising, Mentoring and Teaching Awards, and has contributed to educating the next generation both at BSPH and at Homewood. While we will very much miss his full-time time presence at BSPH, we are thrilled for what Bishai will accomplish in his new public health role and look forward to expanded collaborations and partnerships.