Student Spotlight: Innocent Grant

Meet Innocent Grant
Innocent Grant is a first-year student from Tanzania in the MSPH in Health Education and Health Communication program, who brings his passion for transforming sexual and mental health practices through community engagement. Outside the classroom, Innocent explores Baltimore's hiking trails, travels, watches documentaries, and shares stories as part of the Family Planning News Network media team covering global family planning initiatives.
- Program: MSPH in Health Education and Health Communication
- Entry year: 2024
- LinkedIn: Innocent Grant
- Hometown: Mbeya, Tanzania
- Fun Fact: I love traveling, hiking, and watching documentaries.
What sparked your interest in public health?
I was always inspired to be a doctor. During my clinical medicine studies in the southern coast of Tanzania I met cases of very young adolescent girls and women suffering serious complications of unsafe abortion. I learned this contributes to the high maternal mortality rates in Tanzania.
I joined a sexual health club, where I learned to interact with communities in the Mtwara region and met awesome mentors who guided me to love and thrive in public health. I had previously tried alternative careers like farming after my studies and it didn’t go very well, so I decided to dedicate my active life years learning and actively doing public health.
What led you to join the Department of Health, Behavior and Society?
I first applied to the Department of International Health, where I was selected, but it became clear later on that my aspirations are in promoting healthier behaviors among communities through health education. I decided to shift to the Department of Health, Behavior and Society for the MSPH in Health Education and Health Communication degree program.
Before joining the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, I had done some work in public health in Tanzania and beyond. One thing I have learned is that there is so much health information and health research available, but it’s clear much of this information does not help to change people’s behaviors.
The Department of Health, Behavior and Society offers theories and practice to understand how we can connect with communities and help them use public health information to change to healthier behavioral practices, which is key in today’s public health practice.
What’s an academic highlight you've experienced during your time as an HBS student?
During my time in the Department, I've had many academic highlights. A notable example was when Professor Rajiv Rimal invited me to present my work on including sexual and gender minority youth in family planning and social and behavioral change work during his Fundamentals of Health, Behavior and Society class. I was pleasantly surprised by the students' enthusiastic response and valuable feedback—I hadn't expected such strong interest.
My MSPH class of 2024 is full of great students who I connected with very easily. I enjoy our group discussions, and everyone is always free to express their work experiences in different public health issues, such as mental health, reproductive health, and tobacco control.
What’s a research highlight you’ve experienced during your time as an HBS student?
Since I am a first-year student, I haven’t yet experienced conducting research at the School, but I must mention as someone who is still learning about research practice, I do enjoy reading research papers and being able to share feedback on different study designs and determining what future research studies could look like.
I have gained a lot of interest in doing research on the issues at the intersection between sexual health and mental health. I am learning so much from fellow students who share similar interests.
Outside of public health, what are some of your hobbies, interests, and personal passions?
I enjoy traveling, walking, hiking, bike riding, politics, and watching documentaries. I have done only one hike in Lake Roland Park since I arrived in Baltimore, and I am always looking for opportunities to do more.
I also enjoy writing down my insights on various issues, right now I am enjoying being part of the FPNN Media team, where I cover stories related to family planning from around the world.
What are some of your favorite places in Baltimore?
Lake Roland Park, Patterson Park, and Fells Point are some of the areas I have been to in Baltimore, and I love these places. The Hopkins Spot Pizzas, The Helmand, Peter Chang, and Kabul Fresh Grill are some of my favorite places to get good food, and I love salads at Garden Plate Café on the ninth floor at the Bloomberg School.
What advice do you have for prospective students interested in joining the HBS community?
For aspiring public health practitioners who are passionate about serving and respecting the communities they work with, the Department of Health, Behavior and Society is the perfect place to grow. The Department emphasizes transforming public health research into practice and encouraging curiosity and innovation. Everyone here is committed to supporting your learning journey with enthusiasm and care.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.