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Student Spotlight: Mairead Minihane


Meet Mairead Minihane

  • Degree Program: MSPH
  • Area of Interest: Maternal, Fetal & Perinatal Health
  • Program Entry year: 2023
  • Hometown: Novato, CA
  • Previous Degree(s) Earned: MPH University of California, DavisBS in Human Development University of California, Davis
  • Fun fact: I love animals and have fostered hundreds of cats and dogs over the years.  

What sparked your interest in public health?

My journey into public health wasn’t linear but rather a series of experiences that steered me towards public health. Three key experiences shaped my path: being a participant in a decade long prospective epidemiologic study, serving as a board member for Beyond Differences where I engaged in outreach and policy work, and interning at the county health and human services department. These experiences collectively fueled my dedication to public health research.

Why did you choose Bloomberg School of Public Health? 

Bloomberg School of Public Health stood out to me as it offers a unique specialization in Material, Fetal, Perinatal Health within the Department of PFRH. This drew me to the school as it allows me the opportunity to gain experience and collaborate with world-renowned researchers in my area of interest. Additionally, the school’s emphasis on data-driven research and advanced biostatistical methods aligned with my academic goals. I recognize the importance of these skills for my research career. The opportunities of honing my analytical skills while being surrounded by a community of leading experts is ultimately what led me to choose Bloomberg. 

What is one experience in PFRH that stands out as a favorite or most memorable? 

At the beginning of the year PFRH hosts the department Orioles baseball game night. This was a highlight as it allowed me the opportunity to connect with my cohort mates and department faculty year in the year. The interactions I had while watching the game provided a window into the department’s collaborative and welcoming culture. 


My advice for a prospective student is to take advantage of the strong community aspect that PFRH offers by connecting with current students and alumni via LinkedIn. Additionally, Bloomberg has a plethora of student groups that I recommend exploring early in the academic year. 

Tell us about your field placement: 

I am completing my field placement at Maryland Maternal Health Innovation Program (MDMOM) as one of the recipients of the department’s Maternal and Child Health Center for Excellence Field Placements. As a student researcher at MDMOM, I have completed an evaluation of results from an end-user satisfaction & usability testing of the MDMOM Maternal Health Resource Map. In the upcoming months, I will assist in facilitating updates to the public site via the map contact form. Additionally, I will aid in a second study by organizing training for home visiting staff and developing recruitment procedures for clients. 


What do you hope to do or accomplish after graduation?

After completing my MSPH, I hope to further my education by pursuing a PhD in perinatal and reproductive epidemiology. I aim to implement the skills and knowledge gained at Bloomberg to continue advancing understanding of crucial public health issues. 


What are some of your favorite places or aspects of living in Baltimore? 

Bolton Hill is one of my favorite places in Baltimore. I love walking around and reading the historical plaques as well as attending their annual Festival on the Hill in October. For some of the best ice cream in the city I recommend Moo Moo Cows in Federal Hill for unique flavors. 


What advice do you have for prospective students interested in joining the PFRH community? 

My advice for a prospective student is to take advantage of the strong community aspect that PFRH offers by connecting with current students and alumni via LinkedIn. Additionally, Bloomberg has a plethora of student groups that I recommend exploring early in the academic year. I joined the Anna Baetjer Society for Public Health in Practice, and it has provided me numerous networking and leadership opportunities.