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Alumni Spotlight: Yael Hamburger, MSPH '23

  • Degree Program: MSPH
  • Area of Interest: Adolescent Health
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Hometown: Baltimore, MD
  • Previous Degree Earned: BS in Family Science, University of Maryland College Park 

What sparked your interest in public health? 

I always knew I wanted to go into the health field, but never really knew what exactly would best suit my interests. Through various courses as well as volunteering in different public health related activities in college, I realized that population level health really interested me. I wanted to be able to see larger scale approaches to health care solutions and realized the holistic aspect of public health, especially when it came to helping the adolescent population - that really appealed to me. 

What led you to choose Bloomberg School of Public Health and join the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health? 

The professors with niche research focuses, the variety of courses that were offered, and the networking were all major selling points for me!

How did your degree prepare you for current and future roles? What aspects of the PFRH degree program did you find most useful? 

My MSPH allowed me to gain a better understanding of the role of public health in the broader world, and to recognize how intertwined public health is through many different aspects of society. Shortly after graduation, I secured a job at the Maryland Department of Health, working as an epidemiologist on an infectious disease project. I never expected to be in such a position so soon after graduation, so I would say the networking and ability to work in a variety of different specialities given the broad education we were provided is super helpful!

My MSPH allowed me to gain a better understanding of the role of public health in the broader world, and to recognize how intertwined public health is through many different aspects of society.

Describe your current position and responsibilities in a way that will inform current and prospective students about career opportunities in your field. 

During my time working at the Maryland Department of Health, I worked on various projects reviewing patient charts and tracking infectious diseases that patients may have contracted while being hospitalized. It was an extremely valuable experience, as it led me to my current desire to become a nurse practitioner and see the more clinical side of health, given the more public health background that I already have. I currently am about to start nursing school at Johns Hopkins. I can’t wait to be a Blue Jay again!

How did you build your sense of community during your time as a PFRH student? 

Community for me was all about surrounding myself with people in my cohort but also outside of the cohort! Studying with friends from classes, getting involved in clubs and working in research all helped me feel like I had a very supportive and strong sense of community. Building rapport with professors and mentors also really allowed me to feel like I had a strong network as a PFRH student!

What was your favorite thing about living in Baltimore while you were a student? 

I love the culture and diversity Baltimore has to offer - there is always something to do! Whether it was salsa dance classes, sports leagues, run clubs, trying different restaurants or exploring the waterfront, I always felt like there was a fun thing to do when I was not studying!

Do you have any advice for prospective students? 

Get involved! Join clubs early on, network with classmates and colleagues, and don’t be shy to reach out for help. Some of my closest friendships and relationships with mentors have been because of a question I asked a former classmate or professor - and it just builds from there. And be sure to take time for yourself - school is stressful and it’s so important to find a proper work life balance!

PFRH Alumni Profiles