4th Annual Latinx Health Conference

“Diversity without voice leads to bad science” — David Hates-Bautista. On March 19th, community and religious leaders, educators, health professionals, and students gathered at Sacred Heart for the Johns Hopkins Centro SOL’s 4th Annual Latinx Health Conference “Mind Your Health: Community-Centered Solutions to Mental Health Issues”.

Keynote speakers Margarita Alegria and David Hayes-Bautista both shared their perspectives on mental health disparities in the Latinx community. Dr. Alegria, Chief of the Disparities Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital discussed the role of feasible and sustainable community-based interventions. Dr. Hayes-Bautista, Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at UCLA’s School of Medicine spoke about the impact of demographic shifts in mental health outcomes.
Attendees also had the chance to walk through a photo exhibit, Portraits of the Journey, by Tomas Ayuso, listen to spoken word, hear personal testimonies from latinx advocates and trauma survivors, and reflect with one another about the information and data shared from health experts and their own personal experiences in the fight to end disparities amongst latinx.
To learn more about the conference, please visit the website.