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BMB Faculty Anthony Leung named Top 10 Finalist in ASCB–Gibco Emerging Leader prize

Anthony Leung

BMB faculty Anthony Leung was named a finalist for the 2016 American Society of Cell Biology–Gibco Emerging Leader prize. The prize recognizes emerging leaders in science. Leung was commended for his research on non-membranous RNA granules and microRNAs. Since establishing his lab, he has developed novel proteomics approaches to identify the sites of ADP-ribosylation —a post-translational modification involved in the regulation of stress granules and microRNA activity.

Leung attended the Award ceremony this December at the 2016 ASCB Meeting and the ASCB–Gibco Emerging Leader Prize reception, honoring the top 10 young scientists. 

For more details, check out this Leung lab Facebook post: and ASCB's Gibco prize page.

Anthony Leung on a stage holding an award sculpture, shaking hands with the ASCB president

Peter Walter, President of ASCB, and Anthony Leung.

Anthony Leung and 10 other people lined up on a stage in front of a screen reading cell biology 2016 ascb annual meeting

ASCB–Gibco Emerging Leader Prize Awardees.

Anthony Leung and a dozen other people stand on and in front of a curving staircase

Awardee reception with ASCB leadership and Amy Butler (left to Anthony), Vice President and General Manager of Cell Biology Biosciences Division of ThermoFisher.