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Eric Bass to Lead Society of General Internal Medicine


Image removed.The Society of General Internal Medicine recently elected Eric Bass, MD, MPH, a professor of medicine with joint appointments in the Bloomberg School and the School of Nursing, as its incoming president. Bass, who also serves as director of the Bloomberg School's Evidence-based Practice Center, will help guide SGIM for a three-year term.

Bass is a recognized expert in evidence-based medicine, community health partnerships and medical curriculum development. He is well-respected not only for his research and clinical skills but also for his mentoring track record, collegiality and generosity. In addition, Bass is a member of the Bloomberg School's Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research.

Robert Lawrence, MD, director of the Bloomberg School's Center for a Livable Future, served as SGIM's first president in 1978, so Bass' election continues a Hopkins legacy in this area.

SGIM is a medical society of 3,000 physicians representing primary care internal medical faculty from every medical school and teaching hospital in the United States.

Media contact: Tim Parsons, director of Public Affairs, at 410-955-7619 or