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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Attends Road Safety Week in Bogotá


On October 3-7, 2016, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit(link is external) (JH-IIRU) assistant scientist, Dr. Katharine Allen, traveled to Bogotá, Colombia to attend Road Safety Week 2016. The annual one-week event was organized by the Secretariat of Mobility in Bogotá. Key events of the week included workshops led by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), and the National Association of City Transport Officials (NACTO); meetings to discuss various road safety topics, including speed and safer streets; and a new drink driving mass media campaign jointly launched by the city of Bogotá and Vital Strategies.

During the week, Dr. Allen attended the two-day international seminar on road safety. The seminar featured several panel sessions including: road safety policies in cities, safe mobility systems for pedestrians and urgent road safety challenges. She also participated in the BIGRS partners’ meeting on October 5. During the meeting, the partners discussed upcoming speed reduction projects along selected roads in the city and future plans for 2017.

Most of the week, Dr. Allen focused on meeting with collaborators at the Universidad de Los Andes to discuss data collection activities to support the city and BIGRS partners. 

road safety week Bogota

BIGRS partners with Secretariat of Mobility in Bogotá