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International Injury Research Unit Discusses the Importance of Disability Research with Irish Global Health Scholars


The International Injury Research Unit today met with Dr. Eilish McAuliffe and Dr. Malcolm MacLachlan of Trinity College Dublin’s Centre for Global Health(link is external). The scholars discussed a variety of topics with the Unit, including the release of their newest book, “The Aid Triangle.” The book, reflecting much of their recent research, focuses on the human dynamics of international aid and presents a new framework for how the aid system should work.

The group also discussed how to maximize human resources capacity in rural health systems, as well as how to strengthen equitable access to health care in vulnerable populations throughout the world. Of particular interest was the African Policy on Disability and Development(link is external) (A-PODD), where the Centre for Global Health plays a key role. A-PODD is currently focusing on how research evidence in the area of disability can inform policy decisions in Africa.

Because disability is closely tied and often caused by injury, the International Injury Research Unit looks forward to continued collaboration with both Dr. Eilish McAuliffe and Dr. Malcolm MacLachlan in this area of study study as we work together to reduce the burden of injuries around the world.


Dr. Eilish McAuliffe and Dr. Malcolm MacLachlan of Trinity College Dublin’s Centre for Global Health discuss their work with the International Injury Research Unit.