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Events Round-Up

Explore our archive of past Jam Sessions!

2024-2025 Jam Session Season

September 2024 Jam Session

Dr. Nolene Jeffers Discusses Midwives, Doulas, and Black Maternal Health

Redesigning Systems of Care to Promote Equity in Black Maternal Health

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity welcomed Noelene K. Jeffers, PhD, CNM, IBCLC for the September Health Equity Jam Session. Dr. Jeffers presented her talk, "Redesigning Systems of Care to Promote Equity in Black Maternal Health"

2023-2024 Jam Session Season

May 2024 Jam Session

Clayton Yates on Tumor Biology, African Ancestry, and Health Equity

Reassessing Tumor Biology through the Lens of African Ancestry and Health Equity

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity Jam Session welcomed Clayton C. Yates, PhD, who presented his talk, "Reassessing Tumor Biology through the Lens of African Ancestry and Health Equity."

April 2024 Jam Session

Jessica Fanzo Discusses Sustainable Diets and Health Equity

The Complexities of Ensuring Sustainable Diets for All

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity Jam Session welcomed Jessica Fanzo, PhD, who presented her talk, "The Complexities of Ensuring Sustainable Diets for All." 

March 2024 Jam Session

Donald Warne on American Indian Health Equity

American Indian Health Equity

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity Jam Session welcomed Donald Warne, MD, MPH, who presented his talk, "American Indian Health Equity."

January 2024 Jam Session

Bunmi Ogungbe Discusses Local and Global Cardiometabolic Health

Tailoring Cardiometabolic Health Interventions for our Neighbors and Around the World

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity Jam Session welcomed Oluwabunmi "Bunmi" Ogungbe, PhD, MPH, RN, who presented her talk, "Tailoring Cardiometabolic Health Interventions for our Neighbors and Around the World."

December 2023 Jam Session

Odis Johnson Discusses Means of Measuring Systemic Racism

Measurement and Modeling of Systemic and Structural Racism: Beyond the Durkheimian Ecological Fallacy

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity Jam Session welcomed Odis Johnson Jr., PhD, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Social Policy & STEM Equity, who presented his talk, "Measurement and Modeling of Systemic and Structural Racism: Beyond the Durkheimian Ecological Fallacy."

October 2023 Jam Session

Sonia Angell on Climate Change and Health Equity

The Heart-Breaking Effect of Hurting Our Planet

On Wednesday, October 11, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity’s JAM Session’s speaker, Sonia Angell, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, presented her talk “The Heart-Breaking Effect of Hurting Our Planet.”

2022-2023 Jam Session Season

April 2023

Special Panel on Academic-Community Partnerships for Health Equity

Building Academic-Community Partnerships to Promote Health Equity in Baltimore

On Wednesday, April 12, The Center for Health Equity’s JAM Session’s panelists K. Daniel Stoltzfus, MPA (Helping Up Mission), Kerry Hawk Lessard, MAA (Native American Lifelines, Inc.), Denis Antoine, II, MD (Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine), and Tara Maudrie, MSPH (Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health) presented their talk “Building Academic-Community Partnerships to Promote Health Equity in Baltimore.”

March 2023 Jam Session

Joseph Ravenell Shares Insights on the "Power of the Barbershop"

Achieving Health Equity for Black Men: The Power of the Barbershop

On Wednesday, March 8 we heard from our March Jam speaker, Joseph Ravenell, MD as he presented his talk, “Achieving Health Equity for Black Men: The Power of the Barbershop.”

December 2022 Jam Session

Jack Iwashyna Discusses Racial Bias in Medical Devices

Pulse Oximeters and Other Medical Devices Are Racially Biased. How Will We Know When They Are Equitable?

On Wednesday, December 14, Health Equity JAM Session’s featured speaker Theodore "Jack" Iwashyna, MD, PhD presented his talk “Pulse Oximeters and Other Medical Devices Are Racially Biased. How Will We Know When They Are Equitable?”

October 2022 Jam Session

Lean Mathews Discusses Disparities in Access to Cardiac Rehabilitaion

Health Equity in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Utilization

On Wednesday, October 12, Health Equity JAM Session’s featured speaker Lena Mathews, MD MHS presented “Health Equity in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Utilization.”

September 2022 Jam Session

Michelle Ogunwole on Reproductive Health Equity

Love, Liberation, and Reproductive Health Equity

On Wednesday, September 14, Health Equity JAM Session’s featured speaker Michelle Ogunwole, MD, PhD presented “Love, Liberation, and Reproductive Health Equity.”

More Jam Sessions!

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