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Center for Global Women’s Health and Gender Equity Student Experience Award

2024-2025 Cycle FAQs

  1. How much funding is available via the Student Experience Award? 

    Awards can range from $500-$1000 per successful applicant. Funding must be used within one year while the recipient is a registered student. Determination on the exact amount awarded to each student is made by the review committee.


  2. What can I use the funding for? 

    Funding should be used to advance student experiences related to the priority areas of the CGWHGE. Funding can support travel to conferences and networking events. Funds can also support related costs such as poster printing, conference registration fees etc.


  3. Who is eligible to apply? Is it only open to students from JHSPH? 

    Current part-time and full-time Johns Hopkins University degree students across divisions and schools can apply to the Student Experience Fund. While rolling admissions fall in line with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health’s (JHSPH) academic year calendar, we strongly encourage students across the University to apply. 


  4. Can I use the funding to help pay my tuition payments? 

    The funding cannot be used toward tuition payments, coursework, or funding of your degree program.


  5. How do I apply?  

    We will have a rolling admissions process that will be split by the academic terms at JHSPH. You can apply in one of two different timeframes: 

    The first is between August 26, 2024 and December 20, 2024. 

    The second window is between January 21, 2025 and May 16, 2025. Those interested in applying should fill out this google form here {link} before December 20, 2024 or before May 16, 2025. 

    Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis, so we strongly encourage everyone to apply as soon as the application windows open.


  6. If I apply during the first application review period, can I also apply during the second review period? 

    Yes, you can apply at the two different review periods. However, if you applied for funding to support an activity that was initially rejected by the review committee, we advise you to reconsider applying for the same, or using a similar application. If you received funding during the first review period, you will not be eligible to re-apply for additional funding for the second review period.


  7. What if I want to apply for support to attend a conference that will be held later? 

    Successful applicants must fulfill the terms of the Experience Award prior to graduation (during their degree program) and within a year of receiving the award. In your application form you must include the name and dates for the conference you are planning to attend. If you are applying for funding to present an accepted abstract, you must show proof that you have been accepted to attend/present at the conference.


  8. If awarded, what requirements are students expected to fulfill? 

    All Student Experience Award recipients must write and submit a brief report to the CGWHGE. The report should be between 1-2 pages long and summarize the activity that the Funds were used to support and describe the impact on education or professional development. Reports must be submitted within one month of completion.  

    Awardees are also expected to complete a short feature on their experience for the CGWHGE’s website and acknowledge the CGWHGE as a funder in all related products (article, PPT for conference presentation). Lastly, all awardees are expected to comply with all JHU policies for reimbursement.