Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Joins Decade of Action for Road Safety Celebration on Capitol Hill
On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, a series of events around the world marked the launch of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit was proud to join our partners in several of these events in Washington, DC, including the Decade of Action for Road Safety Expo and Congressional briefing.
The expo, organized by the National Organizations for Youth Safety, provided an opportunity for organizations to share information and materials related to global road safety.
The Congressional briefing, organized by the Association for Safe International Road Travel and the U.S. Congressional Caucus on Global Road Safety, featured remarks by Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Adnan Hyder, director of the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, and Stephen Hargarten, chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
The Decade of Action for Road Safety comes at a time of great promise and opportunity. Building on a solid foundation of research, and support from politicians, philanthropists and celebrities, the Decade is the culmination of years of collaboration and planning. It is also the start of an unprecedented worldwide partnership and commitment to reverse the trend in global road traffic crashes, make road safety a public health priority and save up to 5 million lives by 2020.
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit supports these important goals, most recently leading the evaluation effort for the Road Safety in 10 Countries project, a five-year initiative supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
For more information about the Unit’s work in road safety, please contact us.

Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, speaks during the Congressional briefing on May 11.

Stephen Hargarten, Cathy Silberman of ASIRT and Dr. Adnan Hyder address the audience during the Q&A portion of the briefing.

Dr. Adnan Hyder answers questions for attendees during the briefing.